Vaccination Certificate mandatory for Peshawar Metro

By | September 21, 2021
vaccination certificate

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa made the coronavirus vaccination certificate mandatory. Moreover, it is mandatory for traveling on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

A spokesperson for TransPeshawar that operates BRT said that all its commuters are required to show their vaccination certificates. However, if anyone fails to do so will result in them prohibited from using the service.

The provincial government had previously set 20 September as the deadline, after which vaccine certificates would become mandatory for commuting on the BRT.

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TransPeshawar stated that people who have received the first dose of the vaccine will be able to avail of the service, but did not specify how long it will allow partially vaccinated commuters to do so.

In other news, the provincial government directed the Private School Regulatory Authority. Moreover, they told them to cooperate with the Health Department teams to get children vaccinate at school.

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Author: Huzaifa Aslam

Huzaifa is a seasoned writer with keen interest in latest Technology, Finance, and AI. He is also passionate topics like Self-Imporvement, Productivity, Leadership. When free, he enjoys playing football.