Geo Amir Liaquat Inaam Ghar program will be start on 19-1-14

By | January 14, 2014

Amir Liaquat Inaam ghar program will be start on 19-1-14

Geo Hosts says that “Amir Liaquat Inaam ghar program will be start on 19-1-14“. They said Amir was in London.Our Team officially go for Dr Amir Liaquat in London to give him a proposal.

Due to his affection and spirit of Islam he Agree to host “Inaam Ghar” Program.for registration write IG Name Area CNIC and send it to 436.

we are going to make a house With most Honorable Host “Dr Amir Hussain”. Where you get trees of prizes,Fruits of Love.only 5 days more the evenings are coming soon.

Which destroys all evils and make Happiness everywhere.Dr. will come and make their program best as he did earlier.

Amir Liaquat Inaam Ghar program []

Amir Liaquat Inaam Ghar program []

you may also like to read ARY Dr Amir Liaquat misbehaved with scholars Jamia Binoria.

Are you going?

Author: Tanvir Zafar

Tanvir Zafar is a internet Entrepreneur and owner of this site and many others as well. He is student in GCUF doing BS Software Engineering. :)