11 Proven Ways To Boost Your Memory By 90%

By | June 21, 2021
11 Proven Ways To Boost Your Memory By 90%

You are among those who have a memory loss problem? You don’t have to worry. In this article, I’ll tell you 11 ways that are proven and tested to boost your memory up to 90%. You might waste your time where you have left your keys or which bill to pay to the date because of a short memory. The ways which I’ll tell you don’t require any treatment or medicines. They just require your faithfulness, determination, and your time. For this reason, stick to our article till the end to find out the most effective ways to boost your memory. So, let’s start reading!

You should also read our article on Managing Time for better understanding of this article.

1. Get Some Sleep

You might be wondering that it’s weird that I have started my list with sleep on top. Sleep is as simple as it can get but can make great impacts on the human body both positively and negatively. Sleep helps you relax your brain and lessen stress. It’s is the easiest way to give time to your brain for growth and development. Try to take any distractions away from your room before sleeping which can potentially cause you to wake up. Let’s sleep a bit.

2. Eat Nutritiously

Eating healthy helps your body to grow, get energy and is beneficial overall. Some food works efficiently for brain growth and memory than others. Among them, grapefruit is a game-changer that sharpens your memory at your age. Research by the European Journal Of Pharmacology has surprisingly found grapefruit useful in stopping memory loss among animals. Other foods are almonds, dark chocolate, carrots, and the list goes on. From now on, you should eat healthily.

3. Meditate

Meditation is an old technique but still very powerful in this new world. Meditation and yoga help a person to have control over his mind and strengthen his memorizing ability. You can meditate anywhere peaceful or wake up early, go to the park, and do yoga. Remember, a peaceful mind helps a person to maintain his memory for a longer period of time. Take time out of your busy schedule and meditate on that time leaving behind all the worries. Start from today to gain memory for a longer period of time.

4.Take Less Stress

Stress and anxiety damage a person’s mental abilities. They show their effect slowly but surely and a major effect of stress and anxiety is the shortening of memory. There are many methods by which you can lower your stress at a minimum level. My favorite is to meditate as it plays a vital role in keeping your mind peaceful and away from stress. The best way is to consult your doctor if you are having a bad week of stress and anxiety. Get the stress out of your life.

A quick way for releasing stress is to read our article: 13 Fascinating Things To Do This Summer

5. Hit The Gym

Going to the gym makes your muscles grow and keeps you physically fit. It does more than just growing your muscles. Going gym regularly helps a person to develop the capability of creating new and retaining old memories. Hit the gym and you will have a win-win situation with your body and brain. Make gym or exercise a part of your life as it will give you benefits for the long term. Don’t miss the gym!

6. Explore Something New

Exploring new stuff always amazes you and gives your brain a chance to create new memories. Explore new places or try something new as it helps in brain development and strengthens the memorizing abilities to their potential. You will also have a fun time exploring and your brain will also have a productive time developing. Make plans on weekends and just start the journey or it can be converted into an adventure.

7. Play Games (Board Games)

By games, I mean games that will sharpen your brain and improve memory retaining ability. You can play chess because it can get so tricky at some moment that your brain comes to rescue the moment. In these moments, the brain finds challenges and makes the fight to get more productive from before. Sudoku is another example of a mindful game where you have to use many parts of your brain to compose the grids in a perfect way. Play more, memorize more!

8. Remember Positive Moments

Positive moments are the moments that bring joy to your mind. You remember them in a funny or good way. These memories let your brain practice bringing past memories back. Some of the moments might be embarrassing. Do practice reminding old moments or events to get your brain used to remembering old and major events. You should practice from now on as it takes only 5 minutes out of your busy life that can save many minutes to come.

9. Socialize More

Socializing and interacting will people help you to behave accordingly and it brings major changes to your life. Socialize and meet with more people but after Covid-19 to ensure the safety of all around you. But, socialize with people that are intellectual and talk informative. It will affect your brain to adapt to learning and improving your memories.

10. Note Down Important Things

Making notes is a habit of successful people. You surely want to become one of them but your purpose of making notes is to don’t forget major upcoming events and bills etc. Take a notepad and take it with you anywhere you go to keep your day on track. Similarly, you can use sticky notes for sticking them on anything to remember what to do on a specific day. This technique will help your memory heal and last longer. You are using this technique to heal your memory, don’t make it a habit.

11. Visualize In Your Mind

Our eyes are as important as our brain. They help the brain to see and analyze each step and possibilities you can take. You can take benefits from both of them by visualizing your past memories or creating memories you wanted to do in your mind. It will be a fun treatment and eventually better your memorizing conditions. Thank me later!

The Bottom Lines

I can say that the above-mentioned ways are proven and have no harm. You can take your time and try them to boost your memory. These 11 ways are the most beneficial ways I found after hours of research. I hope they will benefit you in many places. These things only take your time out of your busy schedule to improve your mental health and memorizing abilities.

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