Category Archives: How To

Here you will find how to guides about problems faced by people in Pakistan. We will cover all sort of problems and their solutions.

How to change PTCL DSL Modem Admin password

If you are using PTCL DSL Broadband Service in your home, office or in hostel! then i strongly suggest you to first change your Admin login password. Although you can’t change username but you can change its password and take its security to next level. Here is the small step by step tutorial on how to change PTCL DSL Modem Admin Password. By following this short guide you will able to change your Broadband administrator login password. By Default admin password can be “admin” or it can be written on the back of your router, which can be easily accessed by any person who have approach to modem device. And i damn sure you never want someone to make hurdle in your internet surfing or connection. So, it is always best to change the default DSL login password and assign new sensitive password to it. you may also interested to read How to reboot DSL modem Remotely – Reset Broadband.

PTCL Smart TV app – App Configuration for PC and Mobiles

As we all know very well that PTCL has launch its PTCL Smart TV app in Pakistan, a video content delivery service providing its flagship Smart TV on a variety of devices in a multi-screen environment. This Service allow you to watch video contents live and on demand, including Hollywood, Bollywood, and Pakistani movies, Dramas as well as Sports events. One of the most interesting feature if this Smart TV application is, you can rewind live TV :) . This application holds more then “150 TV channels” including some international channels. Furthermore, this app offers you complete ICC World Cup 2015 live streaming without advertisements in just Rs. 499/. After the 31st of March 2015, the service would cost you Rs. 250 per month for the first device with a validity period of 30 days. Additional screens can be subscribed by paying Rs. 50 per additional screen. Thia application is available in all apps stores i.e google play store, iTunes etc. You may also like to read How to Watch Live TV from PC with out Buffering Live Streaming.

Check Your PTCL EVO Bill Online – Download EVO Bill Free

EVO is the most widely used wireless USB internet service provided by PTCL in Pakistan. From here you can check your PTCL EVO Bil online. Not enough, you can also Print or download your EVO bill free at home. This service is officially provided by Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited. Evo bill Copy can be searched through your Evo mdn or esn number. mdn number is printed on your evo box. If you still can’t able to find your MDN number then ask about your mdn from your nearest service center. ESN number is printed on back of evo usb. This application is very useful for evo users. you can check your bill frequently. i hope you really like this service. you may also like to read How to share EVO Internet over WiFi, on multiple devices.

5 Tricks for WhatsApp users – Useful Tips for WhatsApp

Hello Friends, Today I have 5 awesome tricks for WhatsApp users. If you are using WhatsApp application then you will love to use these tricks. As we all know, WhatsApp has now become world most popular communication network with millions of people.

You can send text SMS, call your friends, upload images, status and videos as well. WhatsApp has revolutionalized the world with incredible sicial netoworking features.

Today, I decided to share some useful tips which will change your way of use whatapp appliction. Last night, my friend asked me “how can I read the WhatsApp messages without marking it as seen?” So, I decided to write an article about all such truicks about WhatsApp. You may also like to reads How to recover Deleted SMS and Contacts from Sim.

FireChat – Make Free Calls without SIM and WiFi

OMG! We all know we must need any connection or network in order to make calls. We need SIM card in order to make call and chats. but now Hong Kong has introduces a Application for android and iPhone, named as “FireChat” By using firechat app you can make free calls and chat without SIM and WiFi. This app just make us surprised. You can send and receive messages as well as calls by using this application. Interesting Aspect of this application is, It did not required any Cell phone network services i.e SIM network, Bluetooth or internet connection like WiFi. ‘The FireChat’ app builds its own network. Sender and receiver must have to install this app in order to make calls as well as chat. This application use the inner networking program of your cell phones. But it is necessary the other phone (receiver) must be in the rang of 100 feet. you may also interested to read Atif Anwar wins title of Arnold Classic Australia 2015.

Warid Free Internet Settings for Android Users

Warid is the fastest internet server providers for mobile networks. With Warid 3G and Warid 4G LTE network, you can download a full movie in minutes :). Here I will teach you how to use free internet on warid with Psiphone Handler. Here is working Warid Free internet settings for Android Users. Psiphon is a android application working on android 4.0+ or rooted devices. You can use free internet on all networks if it configured correctly. Here, I will teach you how to configure Psiphon handler to get free internet service for Warid network.

Psiphon serves a specific and simple purpose, to grant users open access to the Internet when information controls and limitations are arbitrarily imposed within any given country. The Psiphon service strives to be the first recourse against censorship wherever and whenever it occurs. You may have interested to read Online Warid Call History Service to Check Details.