American lived one and half year through artificial heart bag

By | June 9, 2016

OMG! How an American lived one and half year through artificial heart bag

The Young Man Artificial Heart was placed in a bag which circulates the blood in the whole body. Accroding to the news media sources, the American Teenager heart is replaced successfully. Before this surgory, he used an artificial heart along with him which provide the blood circulation throughout his body. He has a bad on the back which works for him as a heart for about 555 days.

US Michigan resident Stan Larkin heart was affected badly and has an external artificial heart called ‘syncordia‘, which is connected to the body 24 hours. He used that artificial heart for about one andhalf year becuase he didn’t find any Heart doner. He became the first person to prolong a period, dependent on external heart.

The Young man placed his heart on his back, making possible the blood circulation in the whole body, and waited for the heart doner. Finally got a donated heart. Keep in mind Stan was sufering from a genetic disease “familial cardiomyopathy“.

Familial dilated cardiomyopathy is a genetic form of heart disease. It occurs when heart (cardiac) muscle becomes stretched out in at least one chamber of the heart, causing the open area of the chamber to become enlarged (dilated). As a result, the heart is unable to pump blood as efficiently as usual. you might interested to read {Diet}]* Plan for weight loss – How to loss weight fast.

American lived one and half year through artificial heart bag []

American lived one and half year through artificial heart bag []

Stan Larkin lived 555 days on artificial heart:

This device is predicted by amilial cardiomyopathy centre experts. Device weight is about 6KG. Which send the oxygized blood circulation in the body. After the 555 days depended on that device, Stan got a donored heart and now he is living a healthy life.

Now, With the help of this device million of lives can be saved who spoil while waiting the donor of hearts. I hope you like this story. Feel free to share your views and thoughts with us. If you have more knowledge about this device please share it with our comminty. you may also like to read Dr Afia Siddiqui Died or Alive – Hoax or true Story?

Author: Tanvir Zafar

Tanvir Zafar is a internet Entrepreneur and owner of this site and many others as well. He is student in GCUF doing BS Software Engineering. :)