Bermuda Triangle in Islam – What is History of Bermuda Triangle

By | May 9, 2017

Bermuda Triangle in Islam – What is History of Bermuda Triangle in Islamic Point of View

So, You are here to know what is Bermuda Triangle in Islam and what is History of Bermuda Triangle in Islamic Point of view. First we learn about its brief introduction. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. There is a place where Dajjal is supposed to be residing in chains, only to emerge when the time has come.

A hadith in Shahi Muslim which speaks of a person who had met Dajjal and reported the incident to the Prophet. It maybe that this is the same place. But let me remind you that this cannot be verified and it is only my personal view which cannot be taken as 100% true. Did you know! Janet Jackson Converted to Islam.


Bermuda Triangle in Islam - What is History of Bermuda Triangle []

Bermuda Triangle in Islam – What is History of Bermuda Triangle []

Anyhow there is nothing in the Quran about the Bermuda triangles. but some say that the anti Christ (dajjal) occupies them and some say the devil occupies them. Well the Quran does say that Satan’s throne is on water, it may be in the Bermuda Triangle, that may be the reason why no one can get there! It is my thoughts.

there are thousand of different views on internet which can destroy your thinking about this. Keep in mind never believe on such articles which has no proper references. I try to reached Dr. Zakir Naik as well as Amir Liaquat Hussain to describe this question in Islamic point of view. I see there are many websites that tells you what Quran say about Bermuda Triangle. In my Knowledge and many other Muslims says that there is nothing in Quran About this Triangle.

Some says that it is nothing more then Nature Phenomena. There are many places where gravity goes not exits in the earth. May be it would be one of them.

What you think about it. Please give me your views so that i can make your views as my key points. If you have true story behind this with reference please share with us. There are thousand of people that learn it in wrong way. So, Please comment and share your thought with us.

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Author: Tanvir Zafar

Tanvir Zafar is a internet Entrepreneur and owner of this site and many others as well. He is student in GCUF doing BS Software Engineering. :)